A Guide to Java 9 Modularity
1. Overview
Java 9 introduces a new level of abstraction above packages, formally known as the Java Platform Module System (JPMS), or “Modules” for short.
Java 9基于package引入了一个新的抽象级别,正式称为Java平台模块系统(JPMS)或“模块”。
In this tutorial, we'll go through the new system and discuss its various aspects.
We'll also build a simple project to demonstrate all concepts we'll be learning in this guide.
2. What's a Module?
First of all, we need to understand what a module is before we can understand how to use them.
A Module is a group of closely related packages and resources along with a new module descriptor file.
In other words, it's a “package of Java Packages” abstraction that allows us to make our code even more reusable.
换句话说,它是一个“Java Packages的Package”抽象,允许我们使代码更加可重用。
2.1. Packages
The packages inside a module are identical to the Java packages we've been using since the inception of Java.
When we create a module, we organize the code internally in packages just like we previously did with any other project.
Aside from organizing our code, packages are used to determine what code is publicly accessible outside of the module. We'll spend more time talking about this later in the article.
2.2. Resources
Each module is responsible for its resources, like media or configuration files.
Previously we'd put all resources into the root level of our project and manually manage which resources belonged to different parts of the application.
With modules, we can ship required images and XML files with the module that needs it, making our projects much easier to manage.
2.3. Module Descriptor
When we create a module, we include a descriptor file that defines several aspects of our new module:
- Name – the name of our module 模块的名称
- Dependencies – a list of other modules that this module depends on 该模块依赖的其他模块列表
- Public Packages – a list of all packages we want accessible from outside the module 我们希望从模块外部访问的所有包的列表
- Services Offered – we can provide service implementations that can be consumed by other modules 我们可以提供服务的具体实现用于其他模块的消费使用
- Services Consumed – allows the current module to be a consumer of a service 允许当前模块成为服务的消费者
- Reflection Permissions – explicitly allows other classes to use reflection to access the private members of a package 显式地允许其他类使用反射来访问包的私有成员
The module naming rules are similar to how we name packages (dots are allowed, dashes are not). It's very common to do either project-style (my.module) or Reverse-DNS (com.baeldung.mymodule) style names. We'll use project-style in this guide.
模块命名规则类似于我们命名包的方式(允许使用点,不允许使用破折号)。使用 project-style (my.module)或Reverse-DNS (com.baeldung.mymodule)风格的名称是很常见的。在本指南中,我们将使用project-style。
We need to list all packages we want to be public because by default all packages are module private.
The same is true for reflection. By default, we cannot use reflection on classes we import from another module.
Later in the article, we'll look at examples of how to use the module descriptor file.
2.4. Module Types
There are four types of modules in the new module system:
- System Modules – These are the modules listed when we run the list-modules command above. They include the Java SE and JDK modules.
- 系统模块 – 这些是运行上面的list-modules命令时列出的模块。它们包括Java SE和JDK模块。
- Application Modules – These modules are what we usually want to build when we decide to use Modules. They are named and defined in the compiled module-info.class file included in the assembled JAR.
- 应用模块 – 当我们决定使用模块时,这些模块是我们通常想要构建的。它们是在组装的JAR中包含的编译过的module-info.class文件中命名和定义的。
- Automatic Modules – We can include unofficial modules by adding existing JAR files to the module path. The name of the module will be derived from the name of the JAR. Automatic modules will have full read access to every other module loaded by the path.
- 自动模块 – 我们可以通过将现有JAR文件添加到模块路径中来包含非官方模块。模块的名称将从JAR的名称派生出来。自动模块将对路径加载的所有其他模块具有完全读访问权。
- Unnamed Module – When a class or JAR is loaded onto the classpath, but not the module path, it's automatically added to the unnamed module. It's a catch-all module to maintain backward compatibility with previously-written Java code.
- 未命名模块 – 当类或JAR加载到类路径而不是模块路径时,它会自动添加到未命名的模块。它是一个全能模块,用于维护以前编写的Java代码,以保证向后的兼容性。
2.5. Distribution
Modules can be distributed one of two ways: as a JAR file or as an “exploded” compiled project. This, of course, is the same as any other Java project so it should come as no surprise.
We can create multi-module projects comprised of a “main application” and several library modules.
We have to be careful though because we can only have one module per JAR file.
When we set up our build file, we need to make sure to bundle each module in our project as a separate jar.
3. Default Modules
When we install Java 9, we can see that the JDK now has a new structure.
当我们安装Java 9时,我们可以看到JDK现在有了一个新的结构。
They have taken all the original packages and moved them into the new module system.
We can see what these modules are by typing into the command line:
我们可以通过输入以下命令来查看这些模块:java --list-modules
These modules are split into four major groups: java, javafx, jdk, and Oracle.
java modules are the implementation classes for the core SE Language Specification.
javafx modules are the FX UI libraries.
javafx模块是FX UI的依赖模块。
Anything needed by the JDK itself is kept in the *jdk* modules.
And finally, anything that is Oracle-specific is in the *oracle* modules.
4. Module Declarations
To set up a module, we need to put a special file at the root of our packages named module-info.java.
This file is known as the module descriptor and contains all of the data needed to build and use our new module.
We construct the module with a declaration whose body is either empty or made up of module directives:
该文件的主体为空,或者包含读个多个模块指令。module myModuleName {
// all directives are optional
We start the module declaration with the module keyword, and we follow that with the name of the module.
The module will work with this declaration, but we'll commonly need more information.
That is where the module directives come in.
4.1. Requires
Our first directive is requires. This module directive allows us to declare module dependencies:
首先介绍requires。该模块指令允许我们声明模块的依赖项:module my.module {
requires module.name;
Now, my.module has both a runtime and a compile-time dependency on module.name.
And all public types exported from a dependency are accessible by our module when we use this directive.
4.2. Requires Static
Sometimes we write code that references another module, but that users of our library will never want to use.
For instance, we might write a utility function that pretty-prints our internal state when another logging module is present. But, not every consumer of our library will want this functionality, and they don't want to include an extra logging library.
In these cases, we want to use an optional dependency. By using the requires static directive, we create a compile-time-only dependency:
在这些情况下,我们希望使用可选的依赖项。通过使用requires static指令,我们引入了一个仅编译时参与的依赖项:module my.module {
requires static module.name;
4.3. Requires Transitive
We commonly work with libraries to make our lives easier.
But, we need to make sure that any module that brings in our code will also bring in these extra ‘transitive' dependencies or they won't work.
Luckily, we can use the requires transitive directive to force any downstream consumers also to read our required dependencies:
幸运的是,我们可以使用requires transitive指令来强制任何下游消费者也来阅读我们所需的依赖项。module my.module {
requires transitive module.name;
Now, when a developer requires my.module, they won't also have also to say requires module.name for our module to still work.
4.4. Exports
By default, a module doesn't expose any of its API to other modules. This strong encapsulation was one of the key motivators for creating the module system in the first place.
默认情况下,模块不会将任何API暴露给其他模块。 强封装是创建模块系统的关键动机之一。
Our code is significantly more secure, but now we need to explicitly open our API up to the world if we want it to be usable.
We use the exports directive to expose all public members of the named package:
我们使用exports指令来暴露已声明package中的所有public成员module my.module {
exports com.my.package.name;
Now, when someone does requires my.module, they will have access to the public types in our com.my.package.name package, but not any other package.
现在,当有人requires my.module时,他们将可以访问到我们com.my.package.name包下的public成员,但是其他包无法访问。
4.5. Exports … To
We can use exports…to to open up our public classes to the world.
But, what if we don't want the entire world to access our API?
We can restrict which modules have access to our APIs using the exports…to directive.
Similar to the exports directive, we declare a package as exported. But, we also list which modules we are allowing to import this package as a requires. Let's see what this looks like:
类似于export指令,我们可以声明需要暴露的包, 但是还指定哪些模块可以访问这个包。 看起来就像这样:module my.module {
// 将com.my.package.name仅暴露给com.specific.package访问
export com.my.package.name to com.specific.package;
4.6. Uses
A service is an implementation of a specific interface or abstract class that can be consumed by other classes.
We designate the services our module consumes with the uses directive.
Note that the class name we use is either the interface or abstract class of the service, not the implementation class:
请注意,**uses 后面的类名是服务的接口或抽象类,而不是实现类**:module my.module {
uses class.name;
We should note here that there's a difference between a requires directive and the uses directive.
We might require a module that provides a service we want to consume, but that service implements an interface from one of its transitive dependencies.
Instead of forcing our module to require all transitive dependencies just in case, we use the uses directive to add the required interface to the module path.
4.7. Provides … With
A module can also be a service provider that other modules can consume.
The first part of the directive is the provides keyword. Here is where we put the interface or abstract class name.
Next, we have the with directive where we provide the implementation class name that either implements the interface or extends the abstract class.
Here's what it looks like put together:
下面是它组合的样子:module my.module {
provides MyInterface with MyInterfaceImpl;
4.8. Open
We mentioned earlier that encapsulation was a driving motivator for the design of this module system.
Before Java 9, it was possible to use reflection to examine every type and member in a package, even the private ones. Nothing was truly encapsulated, which can open up all kinds of problems for developers of the libraries.
Java 9之前,可以使用反射来检查包中所有类和成员,甚至private的。这并不是真正的封装,还可能会给库的开发人员带来各种问题。
Because Java 9 enforces strong encapsulation, we now have to explicitly grant permission for other modules to reflect on our classes.
因为Java 9强制执行强封装,我们现在必须显式地授予其他模块反射类的权限。
If we want to continue to allow full reflection as older versions of Java did, we can simply open the entire module up:
如果我们想继续像以前的Java版本那样允许完全反射,我们可以简单地open整个模块:open module my.module {
4.9. Opens
If we need to allow reflection of private types, but we don't want all of our code exposed, we can use the *opens* directive to expose specific packages.
But remember, this will open the package up to the entire world, so make sure that is what you want:module my.module {
opens com.my.package;
4.10. Opens … To
Okay, so reflection is great sometimes, but we still want as much security as we can get from encapsulation. We can selectively open our packages to a pre-approved list of modules, in this case, using the *opens…to* directive:
反射总体是好的,但我们仍然希望从封装中获得尽可能多的安全性。我们可以有选择地打开我们的包到一个预先批准的模块列表,在本例中,使用* opened…to*指令:module my.module {
opens com.my.package to moduleOne, moduleTwo, etc.;
5. Command Line Options
By now, support for Java 9 modules has been added to Maven and Gradle, so you won't need to do a lot of manual building of your projects. However, it's still valuable to know how to use the module system from the command line.
到目前为止,Maven和Gradle已经添加了对Java 9模块的支持,因此您不需要进行大量的项目手工构建。然而,知道如何从命令行使用模块系统仍然是有必要的。
We'll be using the command line for our full example down below to help solidify how the entire system works in our minds.
- module-path – We use the –module-path option to specify the module path. This is a list of one or more directories that contain your modules. 我们使用 --module-path 选项来指定模块路径。这是包含模块的一个或多个目录的列表。(Windows用 ; 分号隔开,Mac、Linux用 : 冒号)
- add-reads – Instead of relying on the module declaration file, we can use the command line equivalent of the requires directive; –add-reads. 代替依赖于模块声明文件,我们可以使用命令行中等效的requires; --add-reads 指令。
- add-exports – Command line replacement for the exports directive. 命令行替换exports指令。
- add-opens – Replace the open clause in the module declaration file. 替换模块声明文件中的open子句。
- add-modules – Adds the list of modules into the default set of modules. 将模块列表添加到默认模块集中
- list-modules – Prints a list of all modules and their version strings. 打印所有模块及其版本字符串的列表。
- patch-module – Add or override classes in a modules. 在模块中添加或覆盖类。
- illegal-access=permit|warn|deny – Either relax strong encapsulation by showing a single global warning, shows every warning, or fails with errors. The default is permit. 通过显示单个全局警告,可以放松强封装,显示每次警告,或者因错误而失败。 默认为允许。
6. Visibility
We should spend a little time talking about the visibility of our code.
A lot of libraries depend on reflection to work their magic (JUnit and Spring come to mind).
By default in Java 9, we will only have access to public classes, methods, and fields in our exported packages. Even if we use reflection to get access to non-public members and call setAccessible(true), we won't be able to access these members.
在Java 9中,默认情况下我们将仅访问我们暴露的包中的公共类,方法和字段。 即使我们使用反射来访问非公共成员并将其设置为可访问的,我们也无法访问这些成员。
We can use the open, opens, and opens…to options to grant runtime-only access for reflection. Note, this is runtime-only!
我们可以使用open,_opens_,open...to选项授予反射以运行时的访问权限。 注意,这是运行时!
We won't be able to compile against private types, and we should never need to anyway.
If we must have access to a module for reflection, and we're not the owner of that module (i.e., we can't use the opens…to directive), then it's possible to use the command line –add-opens option to allow own modules reflection access to the locked down module at runtime.
如果我们必须通过反射来访问一个模块,并且我们不是那个模块的所有者(即,我们不能使用 opened…to 指令),那么可以使用命令行 --add-opened 选项来允许自己的模块在运行时反射访问锁定的模块。
The only caveat here's that you need to have access to the command line arguments that are used to run a module for this to work.
7. Putting It All Together
Now that we know what a module is and how to use them let's go ahead and build a simple project to demonstrate all the concepts we just learned.
To keep things simple, we won't be using Maven or Gradle. Instead, we'll rely on the command line tools to build our modules.
简单起见,我们不会使用Maven或Gradle。 相反,我们将依靠命令行工具来构建我们的模块。
7.1. Setting Up Our Project
First, we need to set up our project structure. We'll create several directories to organize our files.
首先,我们需要设置我们的项目结构。 我们将创建多个目录以组织我们的文件。
Start by creating the project folder:
首先创建项目文件夹:mkdir module-project
cd module-project
This is the base of our whole project, so add files in here such as Maven or Gradle build files, other source directories, and resources.
We also put a directory to hold all our project specific modules.
Next, we create a module directory:mkdir simple-modules
Here's what our project structure will look like:
|- // src if we use the default package
|- // build files also go at this level
|- simple-modules
|- hello.modules
|- com
|- baeldung
|- modules
|- hello
|- main.app
|- com
|- baeldung
|- modules
|- main
7.2. Our First Module
Now that we have the basic structure in place, let's add our first module.
Under the simple-modules directory, create a new directory called hello.modules.
We can name this anything we want but follow package naming rules (i.e., periods to separate words, etc.). We can even use the name of our main package as the module name if we want, but usually, we want to stick to the same name we would use to create a JAR of this module.
我们可以随意命名,但请遵循包命名规则(如,分隔单词的点 . )。 如果我们想要,我们甚至可以使用主要包的名称作为模块名称,但通常,我们希望使用与jar文件同名的方式来命名模块。
Under our new module, we can create the packages we want. In our case, we are going to create one package structure:
Next, create a new class called HelloModules.java in this package. We will keep the code simple:
接下来,在包中新建一个名为HelloModules.java的类,尽可能让代码简单一点:package com.baeldung.modules.hello;
public class HelloModules {
public static void doSomething() {
System.out.println("Hello, Modules!");
And finally, in the hello.modules root directory, add in our module descriptor; module-info.java:
最后,在hello.modules的的根路径下,添加module-info.java文件:module hello.modules {
exports com.baeldung.modules.hello;
To keep this example simple, all we are doing is exporting all public members of the com.baeldung.modules.hello package.
为了保持示例简单,我们导出了 com.baeldung.modules.hello 包中的所有公共成员。
7.3. Our Second Module
Our first module is great, but it doesn't do anything.
We can create a second module that uses it now.
Under our simple-modules directory, create another module directory called main.app. We are going to start with the module descriptor this time:
在我们的简单模块目录下,创建一个名为 main.app 的另一个模块目录。 我们将同时使用模块描述符:module main.app {
requires hello.modules;
We don't need to expose anything to the outside world. Instead, all we need to do is depend on our first module, so we have access to the public classes it exports.
我们不需要向外界露出任何东西。 相反,我们需要做的就是依赖于我们的第一个模块,因此我们可以访问它暴露的公开类。
Now we can create an application that uses it.
Create a new package structure: com.baeldung.modules.main.
Now, create a new class file called MainApp.java.
然后新建一个MainApp.java类。package com.baeldung.modules.main;
import com.baeldung.modules.hello.HelloModules;
public class MainApp {
public static void main(String[] args) {
And that is all the code we need to demonstrate modules. Our next step is to build and run this code from the command line.
这就是我们需要演示模块所需的所有代码。 下一步是从命令行构建和运行此代码。
7.4. Building Our Modules
To build our project, we can create a simple bash script and place it at the root of our project.
Create a file called compile-simple-modules.sh:
javac -d outDir --module-source-path simple-modules $(find simple-modules -name "*.java")
There are two parts to this command, the javac and find commands.
此命令有两个部分,javac 和 find 命令。
The find command is simply outputting a list of all .java files under our simple-modules directory. We can then feed that list directly into the Java compiler.
The only thing we have to do differently than the older versions of Java is to provide a module-source-path parameter to inform the compiler that it's building modules.
我们唯一要做的不同之处在于旧版本的Java是提供一个 modul-source-path 参数来通知编译器是构建模块。
Once we run this command, we will have an outDir folder with two compiled modules inside.
运行此命令后,我们将拥有一个 outDir 文件夹,其中包含两个编译模块。
7.5. Running Our Code
And now we can finally run our code to verify modules are working correctly.
Create another file in the root of the project: run-simple-module-app.sh.
java --module-path outDir -m main.app/com.baeldung.modules.main.MainApp
To run a module, we must provide at least the module-path and the main class. If all works, you should see:
要运行模块,我们必须至少提供 module-path 和主类。 如果都正常执行了,你应该看到:>$ ./run-simple-module-app.sh
Hello, Modules!
7.6. Adding a Service
Now that we have a basic understanding of how to build a module, let's make it a little more complicated.
We're going to see how to use the provides…with and uses directives.
我们来了解下如何使用 provides…with 和 uses 指令。
Start by defining a new file in the hello.modules module named HelloInterface.java:
首先在 hello.modules 模块中新建一个 _HelloInterface.java_:public interface HelloInterface {
void sayHello();
To make things easy, we're going to implement this interface with our existing HelloModules.java class:
在 HelloModules.java 类上实现此接口:public class HelloModules implements HelloInterface {
public static void doSomething() {
System.out.println("Hello, Modules!");
public void sayHello() {
That is all we need to do to create a service.
Now, we need to tell the world that our module provides this service.
Add the following to our module-info.java:
添加如下内容到 module-info.java中:provides com.baeldung.modules.hello.HelloInterface with com.baeldung.modules.hello.HelloModules;
As we can see, we declare the interface and which class implements it.
Next, we need to consume this service. In our main.app module, let's add the following to our module-info.java:
接下来,我们消费一下service。在我们的 main.app 模块中,让我们将以下内容添加到我们的 _module-info.java_:uses com.baeldung.modules.hello.HelloInterface;
Finally, in our main method we can use this service via a ServiceLoader:
最后,在我们的主要方法中,我们可以通过ServiceLoader使用此服务:Iterable<HelloInterface> services = ServiceLoader.load(HelloInterface.class);
HelloInterface service = services.iterator().next();
Compile and run:#> ./run-simple-module-app.sh
Hello, Modules!
We use these directives to be much more explicit about how our code is to be used.
We could put the implementation into a private package while exposing the interface in a public package.
This makes our code much more secure with very little extra overhead.
Go ahead and try out some of the other directives to learn more about modules and how they work.
8. Adding Modules to the Unnamed Module
The unnamed module concept is similar to the default package. Therefore, it's not considered a real module, but can be viewed as the default module.
If a class is not a member of a named module, then it will be automatically considered as part of this unnamed module.
Sometimes, to ensure specific platform, library, or service-provider modules in the module graph, we need to add modules to the default root set. For example, when we try to run Java 8 programs as-is with Java 9 compiler we may need to add modules.
有时,为了确保模块图中的特殊平台,库或服务提供者模块,我们需要将模块添加到默认根路径中。 例如,当我们尝试使用Java 9编译器运行Java 8程序时,我们可能需要添加模块。
In general, the option to add the named modules to the default set of root modules is –add-modules 通常,**将命名模块添加到默认的根模块集的选项为 -add-modules For example, to provide access to all java.xml.bind modules the syntax would be: 例如,要提供对所有 java.xml.bind 模块的访问语法将是: To use this in Maven, we can embed the same to the maven-compiler-plugin: 要在Maven中使用此功能,我们可以将其嵌入maven-compiler-plugin: In this extensive guide, we focused on and covered the basics of the new Java 9 Module system. 在这个广泛的指南中,我们专注于并涵盖了新的Java 9模块系统的基础知识。 We started by talking about what a module is. 我们首先谈论模块是什么。 Next, we talked about how to discover which modules are included in the JDK. 接下来,我们讨论了如何发现JDK中包含哪些模块。 We also covered the module declaration file in detail. 我们还详细介绍了模块声明文件。 We rounded out the theory by talking about the various command line arguments we'll need to build our modules. 我们通过谈论我们需要构建模块的各种命令行参数来彻底彻底理解。 Finally, we put all our previous knowledge into practice and created a simple application built on top of the module system. 最后,我们将所有之前的知识用于实践中,并创建了一个基于模块系统的简单应用程序。 To see this code and more, be sure to check it out over on Github.--add-modules java.xml.bind
</plugin>9. Conclusion