

Apache Commons Proper

BCELByte Code Engineering Library - analyze, create, and manipulate Java class files
字节码工程库 - 分析、创建和操作 Java 类文件
BeanUtilsEasy-to-use wrappers around the Java reflection and introspection APIs.
围绕 Java 反射和内省 API 的易于使用的包装器。
BSFBean Scripting Framework - interface to scripting languages, including JSR-223
Bean Scripting Framework - 脚本语言的接口,包括 JSR-223
CLICommand Line arguments parser.
CodecGeneral encoding/decoding algorithms (for example phonetic, base64, URL).
CollectionsExtends or augments the Java Collections Framework.
扩展或扩充 Java 集合框架。
CompressDefines an API for working with tar, zip and bzip2 files.
定义用于处理 tar、zip 和 bzip2 文件的 API。
ConfigurationReading of configuration/preferences files in various formats.
CryptoA cryptographic library optimized with AES-NI wrapping Openssl or JCE algorithm implementations.
使用 AES-NI 封装 Openssl 或 JCE 算法实现优化的加密库。
CSVComponent for reading and writing comma separated value files.
DaemonAlternative invocation mechanism for unix-daemon-like java code.
类 unix-daemon Java 代码的替代调用机制。
DBCPDatabase connection pooling services.
DbUtilsJDBC helper library.
JDBC 帮助程序库。
DigesterXML-to-Java-object mapping utility.
XML 到 Java 对象映射实用程序。
EmailLibrary for sending e-mail from Java.
用于从 Java 发送电子邮件的库。
ExecAPI for dealing with external process execution and environment management in Java.
用于在 Java 中处理外部进程执行和环境管理的 API。
FileUploadFile upload capability for your servlets and web applications.
Servlet 和 Web 应用程序的文件上传功能。
FileUpload2File upload capability for your servlets and web applications.
Servlet 和 Web 应用程序的文件上传功能。
GeometrySpace and coordinates.
Imaging (previously called Sanselan)A pure-Java image library.
纯 Java 映像库。
IOCollection of I/O utilities.
I/O 实用程序的集合。
JCIJava Compiler Interface
Java 编译器接口
JCSJava Caching System
Java 缓存系统
JellyXML based scripting and processing engine.
基于 XML 的脚本和处理引擎。
JexlExpression language which extends the Expression Language of the JSTL.
表达式语言,扩展了 JSTL 的表达式语言。
JXPathUtilities for manipulating Java Beans using the XPath syntax.
用于使用 XPath 语法操作 Java Bean 的实用程序。
LangProvides extra functionality for classes in java.lang.
为 java.lang 中的类提供额外的功能。
LoggingWrapper around a variety of logging API implementations.
围绕各种日志记录 API 实现的包装器。
MathLightweight, self-contained mathematics and statistics components.
NetCollection of network utilities and protocol implementations.
NumbersNumber types (complex, quaternion, fraction) and utilities (arrays, combinatorics).
PoolGeneric object pooling component. 通用对象池组件。
RDFCommon implementation of RDF 1.1 that could be implemented by systems on the JVM.
RDF 1.1 的通用实现,可由 JVM 上的系统实现。
RNGImplementations of random numbers generators.
SCXMLAn implementation of the State Chart XML specification aimed at creating and maintaining a Java SCXML engine.
状态图 XML 规范的实现,旨在创建和维护 Java SCXML 引擎。
It is capable of executing a state machine defined using a SCXML document, and abstracts out the environment interfaces.
TextApache Commons Text is a library focused on algorithms working on strings.
Apache Commons Text 是一个专注于处理字符串的算法的库。
ValidatorFramework to define validators and validation rules in an xml file.
用于在 xml 文件中定义验证器和验证规则的框架。
VFSVirtual File System component for treating files, FTP, SMB, ZIP and such like as a single logical file system.
虚拟文件系统组件,用于将文件、FTP、SMB、ZIP 等视为单个逻辑文件系统。
WeaverProvides an easy way to enhance (weave) compiled bytecode.