Kubernetes是一个全新的基于容器技术的分布式架构领先方案, 它是Google在2014年6月开源的一个容器集群管理系统,使用Go语言开发,Kubernetes也叫K8S。K8S是Google内部一个叫Borg的容器集群管理系统衍生出来的,Borg已经在Google大规模生产运行十年之久。K8S主要用于自动化部署、扩展和管理容器应用,提供了资源调度、部署管理、服务发现、扩容缩容、监控等一整套功能。2015年7月,Kubernetes v1.0正式发布,截止到2017年9月29日最新稳定版本是v1.8。Kubernetes目标是让部署容器化应用简单高效。
Kubernetes最初源于谷歌内部的Borg,提供了面向应用的容器集群部署和管理系统。Kubernetes 的目标旨在消除编排物理/虚拟计算,网络和存储基础设施的负担,并使应用程序运营商和开发人员完全将重点放在以容器为中心的原语上进行自助运营。Kubernetes 也提供稳定、兼容的基础(平台),用于构建定制化的workflows 和更高级的自动化任务。
Kubernetes 具备完善的集群管理能力,包括多层次的安全防护和准入机制、多租户应用支撑能力、透明的服务注册和服务发现机制、内建负载均衡器、故障发现和自我修复能力、服务滚动升级和在线扩容、可扩展的资源自动调度机制、多粒度的资源配额管理能力。Kubernetes 还提供完善的管理工具,涵盖开发、部署测试、运维监控等各个环节。
BufferedReader reader = ResourceUtil.getUtf8Reader(""); |
替换成这样BufferedReader reader = ResourceUtil.getUtf8Reader("");
Properties properties = new Properties();
properties.load(new StringReader("\\", "\\\\")));
In this tutorial, we’ll analyze the technique to list all the classes loaded by a specific class loader in Java, using the Java Instrumentation API. We’ll also see how to create and load a Java agent to acquire an Instrumentation instance and invoke the required methods to accomplish our task.
The class loaders are an integral part of the JRE (Java Runtime Environment). Their job is to dynamically load classes into the Java Virtual Machine. In other words, they load classes into memory on-demand when required by the application. The article on Java class loaders talks about their different types and provides a detailed understanding of how they work.
In this article, we’ll discuss in detail a core concept in Java – the lifecycle of a thread.
We’ll use a quick illustrated diagram and, of course, practical code snippets to better understand these states during the thread execution.
To get started understanding Threads in Java, this article on creating a thread is a good place to start.
In the Java language, multithreading is driven by the core concept of a Thread. During their lifecycle, threads go through various states: