1. Introduction

In this tutorial, we’ll learn about the event support mechanism provided by the Spring framework. We’ll explore the various built-in events provided by the framework and then see how to consume an event.

To learn about creating and publishing custom events, have a look at our previous tutorial here.

Spring has an eventing mechanism which is built around the ApplicationContext. It can be used to exchange information between different beans. We can make use of application events by listening for events and executing custom code.

For example, a scenario here would be to execute custom logic on the complete startup of the ApplicationContext.

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1. Overview

In this tutorial, we’ll have a look at various ways to override properties in Spring’s tests.

Spring actually provides a number of solutions for this, so we have quite a bit to explore here.

2. Dependencies

Of course, in order to work with Spring tests, we need to add a test dependency:


This dependency also includes Junit 5 for us.

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1. Overview

In this tutorial, we’re going to learn different ways to use shutdown callbacks with Spring.

The main advantage of using a shutdown callback is that it gives us control over a graceful application exit.

2. Shutdown Callback Approaches

Spring supports both the component-level and the context-level shutdown callbacks. We can create these callbacks using:

  • @PreDestroy
  • DisposableBean interface
  • Bean-destroy method
  • Global ServletContextListener

Let’s see all of these approaches with examples.

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1. Introduction

Spring Boot has many useful features including externalized configuration and easy access to properties defined in properties files. An earlier tutorial described various ways in which this could be done.

We are now going to explore the @ConfigurationProperties annotation in greater detail.

Further reading:

A Quick Guide to Spring @Value

Learn to use the Spring @Value annotation to configure fields from property files, system properties, etc.

Properties with Spring and Spring Boot

Tutorial for how to work with properties files and property values in Spring.

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1. Overview

Managing the lifecycle of Spring Boot Application is very important for a production-ready system. The Spring container handles the creation, initialization, and destruction of all the Beans with the help of the ApplicationContext.

The emphasize of this write-up is the destruction phase of the lifecycle. More specifically, we’ll have a look at different ways to shut down a Spring Boot Application.

To learn more about how to set up a project using Spring Boot, check out the Spring Boot Starter article, or go over the Spring Boot Configuration.

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